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Streets Lined With Silver (Up to day 8)

Introduction Before the London Games started The Conversation published a post about medal predictions. After eight days of competition it is interesting to note where...

Strategic Losing

This week's Shuttlegate (Badmintogate) events raise a very important integrity issue for sport. A Badminton World Federation statement on the exclusion four women's doubles pairs...

Socialympics 2012

Day 5 of the Olympics is underway. It has been a busy five days in Mongarlowe of managing sleep deprivation whilst keeping up with the...

Against The Odds: Betting Markets for London 2012

Last month I wrote about the use of social media at the London 2012 Games. This morning I received an alert about the launch of...

The London Olympiads: A Remarkable Resource

Yesterday the aggregator I use to update lIASIng delivered a link to a remarkable resource. The London Guardian reported on the publication of Olympic Britain. London...

July Medal Predictions: London 2012

The Herald Sun is using Infostrada data for its Virtual Medal Predictor for London 2012. Its predictor is updated at the start of each month. The...

Medal Predictions and Projections: London 2012

I have been following the USA Today's Medal Tracker since May last year. The Tracker was updated most recently on 20 March. Recently there have been...

Bruce Coe and his study of Ernest Marks

Wednesday was a red letter day for me. Bruce Coe submitted his PhD thesis for examination. The title of his thesis is ES Marks and His...

Cirrus 111208

This week I found links to: The TL Virtual Cafe's Open Mic with Joyce Valenza that attracted 138 participants. Gwyneth Jones was the moderator. Andrew Preater's...

Cirrus 110701

From the Cloud this week: Chris Mooney's discussion of The Science of Why We Don't Believe Science (24 June) which at the time I read...

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