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Point of Departure: Food for Thought 1.1 (W to S)

I have been away enjoying the Australian summer but I have been thinking about this post for some time. Last year I posted a...


I was sitting at my computer this morning checking emails and news when up popped a single Google Alert for CCK08. Today's alert was...

The Human Condition and Moral Hazard

Last week I was working in the garden at Mongarlowe. It is a most wonderful place to think and reflect. A story about Muhammad Ali...

The 2008 Boyer Lectures: A Golden Age of Freedom

The 2008 Boyer Lectures are being broadcast by ABC Radio National in Australia. Rupert Murdoch is the guest presenter of this year's lectures. The...

A Walk to Beautiful

The ABC in Australia shows some remarkable documentaries. I have written about the Merry Makers some time ago. Last weekend the ABC program Four...

Writing, Transparency and Confessional Tales

In 1988 I was enthralled by the publication of John Van Maanen's book Tales of the Field. An introduction to the book noted that: Once...

IASI in Canberra 2009

The International Association for Sports Information (IASI) is holding its 13th World Congress in Canberra in March 2009. The National Sport Information Centre...

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