The International Association for Sports Information (IASI) is holding its 13th World Congress in Canberra in March 2009. The National Sport Information Centre (NSIC), a program of the Australian Sports Commission (ASC), is the host for the Congress.
I have been invited to be a keynote speaker in Strand 2 (‘Electronic Sport Information Resource Sharing’) of the Congress. The title of my talk is ‘A Fourth Age’ and my aim is to discuss approaches to information sharing that are characterised by ‘connectivism‘ and energised by the approaches Stephen Downes and George Siemens promote and develop.
I was asked to provide some personal background information for the Conference website. Given the nature of my talk I have used WordPress to host this information. Although I posted this first on 12 August 2008 my introduction to you here will continue to change. (For example, in December I added a page entitled ‘Nourishment’ to provide links to a range of authors and at the same time changed my ‘Introduction’.)
Examples of my interest in Resource Sharing are ‘Connecting, Sharing and Growing‘, ‘Personal Learning Environments‘ and, Semantic Technologies‘.
This is my video introduction to you. I have posted it on a GoYoDeo channel. I have some biographical information here and a list of some of my publications too.
This is an example of a wiki community in which I am involved. The wiki is providing opportunities for a community of practice to explore the Fourth Age. (You might find Gene Schembri’s wiki of interest too.)
I look forward to seeing you in Canberra in 2009.
Additions to the post:
31 August: I discovered Posterous earlier this week and used it to post my video introduction to you. This is my page on Posterous.
31 August: I used Google Video to host my video introduction to you. I have been using the Beta version to share videos about Officiating in canoe slalom. You will find these in the ‘More from User’ tab.
1 September: I used Iterasi to record this post on 31 August. This is the link to the saved page.
6 September: My first post in this blog for the CCK08 course
15 November: My facebook link
17 November: I opened a Netvibes account to explore some of the functionality I had seen elsewhere in Pageflakes.
1 December: I am participating in a PBwiki project ‘Top Web 2.0 Tools’ with Jenni Parker.
9 December: I have developed a Ning site for another conference to be held at the AIS later in 2009. My aim is to explore some of the powerful social network tools available.
9 December: This is the Technorati link to this blog.
23 January: This is the abstract I have submitted to IASI
[scribd id=11135913 key=key-2k98hlhmvnjlz26vr889]
23 January: I have stored audio files of the abstract in Box.Net (Wav file here and aiff file here)
23 January: This is an MP3 version of the abstract (I used a third party add on for Audacity to create the MP3 audio)
7 March: This is my draft presentation shared through SlideShare with a SlideCast
[slideshare id=1108286&doc=afourthageofsportsinstitutes-090305170059-phpapp02]
Hi Keith,
Will be great to catch up with you at the conference. Sounds very interesting with all of the keynote speakers confirmed.
Hope that your enjoying retired life.
Kind Regards,
Hi Keith, Jamie!
Jamie, I’ve secured a presentation spot in the conference for you. Looking forward to hearing all about your new role and vision for the future.
Take care,
[…] March, 2009 by Keith Lyons Some time ago I started a post about my presentation to IASI in Canberra in March […]
[…] March, 2009 by Keith Lyons On 12 March I presented a keynote address at the IASI World Congress in Canberra. I posted a draft of my presentation in Slideshare. Gavin Reynolds has alerted me that: […]