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Writing a report
Earlier this week, Avinash Kaushik wrote about Responses to Negative Data (link). Shortly after his post was published, I found a link to a...
Writing About #WorldCup2014 01
I am delighted to be on of the columnists for The Conversation's coverage of #WorldCup2014.
My first post is about Home Advantage.
The other columnists writing...
Writing a SOOC
It is a month until the Observing and Analysing Performance in Sport small open online course (SOOC) commences on the Open Learning platform.
I am...
Writing Lives: the HOPAU Project
I have been following the HOPAU Project with great interest.
In recent weeks the project group has written about:
Don Elgin
Donald Dann
Libby Kosmala
2008 Paralympic Games
2004 Paralympic...
Open Educational Resources: The Writing on the Wall
I admire immensely Stephen Downes' work.
Each weekday and Saturday morning here in Australia starts for me with a read of OLDaily over coffee.
Each day...
Writing Centres and Personal Flourishing
I enjoyed hearing news of Centrelink's mobile service to the community and wrote about it.
I have been thinking about personal flourishing since writing a...
Writing Week Outputs
This year's Faculty of Health‘s 2010 Writing Week at the University of Canberra has produced a number of outputs.
I have posted about two workshops...
Writing Day at Reidsdale on the First Day of Summer
Today staff from Sport Studies at the University of Canberra met the poet Harry Laing at the Old Cheese Factory at Reidsdale to develop...
Writing Week at the University of Canberra 2010
Today is the start of Writing Week in the Faculty of Health at the University of Canberra. We had a preliminary event last week with...
Writing Week 2010: Robert Brown Workshop 2
Robert Brown facilitated a writing workshop to launch the University of Canberra Faculty of Health’s 2010 writing week. (Information about the first part of...