It is a month until the Observing and Analysing Performance in Sport small open online course (SOOC) commences on the Open Learning platform.
I am delighted that we have assembled a remarkable group of course administrators. Adam Brimo at Open Learning has made the process very easy.
With friends in the United Kingdom we should be able to support the course for the whole month as a 24 hour forum. If not there should be just a very short change over period.
I hope to spend much of the month facilitating the course, which, given its non-linear nature, should be an exciting time. We are still working through some ideas around Open Badges for the course and my own thinking at present is to acknowledge peripheral participation (following the course) and to have a separate badge for engagement in the course. Open Learning has a karma measure that might help with the engagement badge. I am thinking that cooperation will be an important attribute too … and sharing. (Erin Knight provides an excellent insight into these opportunities and David Wiley offers a great example of how it does work).
I will need to look carefully at the Iconic open icon resource.
The people who will help me make these decisions will be the course administrators and Adam Brimo. The administrators are:
Adam Cullinane
Adam Hewitt
Alexis Lebedew
Chris Barnes
Danny Munnerley
Darrell Cobner
Mark Davies
Mark Upton
Matt Bacon
Robert Fitzgerald
Tania Churchll
Together we will be developing a five-part course that comprises:
* Connecting and Sharing
* Observing Performance
* Visualising Data
* Knowledge Discovery
* Augmented Reality
The proposal is that all participants look at the Connecting and Sharing module in the first week to establish a framework for using the Open Learning platform. Thereafter all modules are available for access in whatever order participants think appropriate to their interests and needs.
I have no doubt this will be messy and disruptive. But it is the first SOOC offered at an introductory level that has the potential to develop a polysemic experience.
Photo Credit
- Communication
- Creative Commons
- Digital Media
- Education
- Performance Analysis
- Stephen Downes
- Teaching and Learning
I look forward to further narrative about the course. I’m part of an open experiment at the Hague Technical University this semester (on the use of online communities and networks in open, innovative design engineering!!) and am particularly interested in the weaving practices that seem important, but are sometimes challenging to do/manage! (you can see more at )
Hello, Nancy! Thank you for finding this post. I will follow up your project with great interest. I am keen to share what we learn.
By marvellous coincidence I am off to Tilley’s Cafe this morning for a breakfast conversation about creating a resource for a local community group.
Best wishes
[…] It is a month until the Observing and Analysing Performance in Sport small open online course (SOOC) commences on the Open Learning platform. I am delighted that we have assembled a remarkable grou… […]