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Migratning IACSS09
In December 2008 I came across the social media service provided by Ning. I am always keen to explore the functionality of social media...
IACSS09 Proceedings
Today is the publication day for the Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium of Computer Science in Sport. The Symposium was held in Canberra, Australia...
Additional Resources for #IACSS09
I have been working on the Proceedings for the International Association of Computer Science in Sport's Seventh Symposium held in Canberra in September 2009....
This blog post is my keynote address to IACSS09.
If a new technology extends one or more of our senses outside us into the...
Three Papers, Day Two at IACSS09
I chaired a final paper session on Day Two at IACSS09. The three presenters were Alexis Lebedew, Gerard Sierksma and Natalie Ruiz.
Alexis presentation was...
IACSS09: Second Keynote Martin Lames
Professor Martin Lames started Day Two of IACSS09 bright and early. Martin's presentation shared three visions for Performance Analysis.
His presentation:
IACSS09: Opening Keynote Address Arnold Baca
The IACSS09 Symposium has opened in Canberra at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS). Professor Peter Fricker, Director of the AIS, made the formal...
An Open Letter from Darrell
I am delighted to present another guest post from Darrell Cobner. This post is shared as an open letter.
Darrell and I have been discussing...
Connecting 131016
I saw a Frances Bell tweet a couple of days ago.
She linked to a post by Martin Hall at Salford University.
In his post, Martin...
Refereed Publications
Marsland F, Mackintosh C, Holmberg H-C, Anson J, Waddington G, Lyons K, et al. (2017) Full course macro-kinematic analysis of a 10 km...