Refereed Publications
Marsland F, Mackintosh C, Holmberg H-C, Anson J, Waddington G, Lyons K, et al. (2017) Full course macro-kinematic analysis of a 10 km classical cross-country skiing competition. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0182262. DOI:
Smith, R. & Lyons, K. (2017). A strategic analysis of goals scored in open play in four FIFA World Cup football championships between 2002 and 2014. Article first published online: May 16, 2017. DOI:
An archive of publications from 1988 to 2015
Leser, R., Schleindlhuber, A., Lyons, K., & Baca, A. (2014). Accuracy of an UWB-based position tracking system used for time-motion analyses in game sports. European journal of sport science, (ahead-of-print), 1-8. DOI:10.1080/17461391.2014.884167.
Mahoney, L., Wheeler, K.W., & Lyons, K. (2012). Analysis of factors determining invasion into attacking areas and the creation of goal-scoring opportunities in the Asian Cup football competition. Asian Journal of Exercise and Sports Science, 9(1), 53-66.
Mara, J., Wheeler, K.W., & Lyons, K. (2012). Attacking strategies that lead to goal scoring opportunities in women’s football. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 7(3), 565-578. doi 10.1260/1747-9541.7.3.565. Abstract.
Marsland F., Lyons K., Anson J., Waddington G., Macintosh C., & Chapman D (2012). Identification of cross-country skiing movement patterns using micro-sensors. Sensors, 12(4), 5047-5066. doi:10.3390/s120405047. Full paper.
Wheeler, K. W., Kefford, T., Mosler, A., Lebedew A., & Lyons, K. (2012). The volume of goal shooting during training can predict shoulder soreness in elite female water polo players. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 17July.
Lyons, K. (2011). Sport coaches use of cloud computing: From here to ubiquity. International Journal of Computer Science in Sport, 10(1). Abstract.
Wheeler, K. W., Wiseman, R., & Lyons, K. (2011). Tactical and technical factors associated with effective ball offloading strategies during the tackle in rugby league. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 11,(2), 392-409. Abstract.
Oral Presentations
Bryant, D., Richardson, A., & Lyons, K. (2013). Retaining students who ‘did not participate’: two case studies and lessons for universities. The Learner’s Twentieth International Conference, July, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece.Bryant, D. & Lyons, K. (2013). Academic exclusion or retention: Student Failing Learning Journeys. The Learner’s Twentieth International Conference, July, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece.
Bryant, D. & Lyons, K. (2013). Student academic learning failure and workload strategies: What does it mean for universities? The Learner’s Twentieth International Conference, July, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece.
Bryant, D. & Lyons, K. (2012). Structuring Mindsets towards Thwarting Student Failure. Thirteenth Humanities Postgraduate Research Conference, Curtin University, Perth.
Bryant, D. & Lyons, K. (2012). Outrageous omission: Failing to understand student Failure. Thirteenth Humanities Postgraduate Research Conference, Curtin University, Perth.
Fitzgerald, R., Blackall, L., Lyons, K., & Neill, J. (2011). eResearch in education: Open and networked practices and the rise of the citizen researcher. eResearch Australasia, Melbourne, Australia, November. Abstract.
Lyons, K. (2011). Secondary Data Analysis of the 2011 Asian Football Cup: Goal Scoring and FIFA Ranking. Symposium on Computer Science in Sport (IACSS2011), Shanghai University of Sport, Shanghai, China, September. Abstract.
Lyons, K. (2011). Winning Performance at the 2011 FIFA Women’s World Cup. Computer Science in Sport Conference (Special Emphasis: Football), Dagstuhl, Germany, July. Link. Prezi.
Lyons, K. (2011). Wiki Ways: Collaborating to Flourish. International Association of Sport Information Workshop, Leipzig, Germany, June. Link.
Hewitt, A. and Lyons, K. (2011). Variation in Movement Patterns of an Elite Woman Soccer Player in International Matches. VII World Congress on Science and Football, Nagoya, Japan, May.
Conference Proceedings
Lyons, K. (2010). Cloud Computing and Ubiquitous Support for Coaches. Asian Conference on Computer Science in Sport. September. Slideshare. Blog post.
Lyons, K., Bacca, A. and Lebedew, A. (2010). Proceedings of the Seventh IACSS International Symposium. Canberra: National Institute of Sport Studies. Link.
Lyons, K. (2010). #IACSS09. Proceedings of the Seventh IACSS International Symposium. Canberra: National Institute of Sport Studies. Link. Slideshare.
Invited Presentations
Cloud Connections (2010). AUSPIN Annual Meeting and Workshop, Canberra. Slideshare. Blog post.
Connected (2010). High Performance Research Workshop, Canberra. Slideshare
Spotting (2009). National Elite Sports Council Forum, Canberra. Slideshare.
A Fourth Age of Sports Institutes (2009). International Association of Sports Information Congress, Canberra. Slideshare.
I have written and spoken about the following themes:
- Video
- Performance Analysis
- Notational Analysis
- Data
- Digital Media
- Talent Identification
- Ethnography of Teaching
- Ethical Behaviour
- Coaching, Teaching and Learning
- Sexual Harassment
- Rejected Papers
1. Video
Using Video for More Effective Feedback in Training (2001)
. World Class Coaching Conference, Cardiff
. Slideshare.
Treadwell P & Lyons K (1997). The use of video in notational analysis, Chapter 2, in M.Hughes (ed) Notational Analysis of Sport. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis.
Using video in sport: an introduction (1988). Huddersfield: Springfield Books
2. Performance Analysis
Hewitt A, Withers, R & Lyons, K (2008). Match analyses of Australian international female soccer players using an athlete tracking device. In T. Reilly & F. Korkusuz (eds), Science and football VI: the proceedings of the Sixth World Congress on Science and Football, pp.224-227. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis. Link.
Brice SM, Ness KF, Rosemond D, Lyons K & Davis M (2008). Development and validation of a method to directly measure the cable force during the hammer throw. Sports Biomech, 7, 2, pp.274-87.
Performance Analysis in Applied Contexts (2005). International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 5, 3, 155-162 Abstract.
Australian contributions to performance analysis (2005). International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 5,3, 89-92. Link.
The Analysis of Performance: an Australian Institute of Sport perspective (2004). L’analyse de la performance de haut niveau dans son contexte, INSEP, Paris.
Performance analysis in rugby’s training and competition environments (2003). International conference on the Science and Practice of Rugby, Brisbane.
Performance enhancement technology in football (2003). International Science in Football Symposium, Melbourne.
Performance analysis for coaches: game analysis (2003). Sports Coach, 26,1, 30-31.
Technique Analysis (2003). Sports Coach, 25,4, 22-23.
Performance analysis for coaches: an introduction (2002). Sports Coach, 25,3, 9-11.
Australian Contributions to the Analysis of Performance in Football 1963-1988 (2001).
In Science and Football IV, Warwick Spinks, Tom Reilly and Aron Murphy (eds.). London: Routledge.
Performance Analysis in Support of Epidemiology
(1999). The Epidemiology and Prevention of Sports Injuries and the Role of the Team Physician. Cardiff
. Slideshare.
The Impact of Video and Computer Technology on the Real-Time and Lapsed-Time Analysis of Performance in Football (1999). Fourth Congress of Science and Football, Sydney.
Australian Contributions to the Analysis of Performance in Football
(1999). Fourth Congress of Science and Football, Sydney.
Performance Analysis in Cricket (1999). First World Congress of Science and Medicine in Cricket, Lilleshall
Performance Analysis and the Officials’ Coach
(1998). Sports Coach 1998, Melbourne. Slideshare.
Working to Enhance Performance (1998)
. Sports Coach 1998, Melbourne. Slideshare.
What is in a name? Are we all performance analysts? (1998). Notational Analysis IV, Porto. Slideshare.
3. Notational Analysis
Notational Analysis Handbook
(2000). Leeds: National Coaching Foundation.
Origins of notational analysis: Australian roots in Sports Coach (1998). World Congress of Notational Analysis in Sport IV, Porto.
Lloyd Howell Messersmith: pioneer of notational analysis of performance in sport (1997). In Mike Hughes (ed) Notational Analysis of Sport I & II. Cardiff: UWIC.
4. Data
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (2005). Ausport, September, 20
Analysis of Data
(2002). FHS Issue 16.
5. Digital Media
Coaches’ Personal Learning Environments (2007). International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport, Calgary. Slideshare.
Connecting, Sharing, Growing (2007). Our Sporting Futures, Brisbane. Slideshare.
Aggregation and Personalisation of Knowledge (2006). Dagstuhl Seminar on Computer Science in Sport, Dagstuhl.
Broadband application: how GrangeNet is impacting on sport delivery opportunities (2005). Our Sporting Futures, Sydney.
Sharing to grow: the development of a sport performance information and digital asset repository (2005). World Congress of Computer Science in Sport, Hvar.
6. Talent Identification
The Talent Identification and Development Process (2002). Running Sport Seminar, London. Slideshare.
7. Ethnography of Teaching
Telling Stories from the Field? A Discussion of an Ethnographic Approach to Researching the Teaching of Physical Education (1992). In A. Sparkes (ed) Research in Physical Education and Sport: Exploring Alternative Visions. London: Routlege. Link
8. Ethical Behaviour
Fair Play? Fair Game? (1999). Criminal Justice Matters, 36, 14-15.
9. Coaching, Teaching and Learning
What Can Coaching Learn from Teaching? (2001). FHS, 10, 18-19
10. Sexual Harassment
Confronting Sexual Exploitation in Sport
(2002). In Celia Brackenridge and Kari Fasting (eds.) Sexual harassment and abuse in sport. London: Whiting and Birch.
11. Rejected Papers
McGowan, C., Rattray, B. & Lyons, K. (2012). Impact of controlled frequency breathing on Performance and Physiology in Swimming.
Kefford, T., Wheeler, K. & Lyons, K. (2011). Goal shooting and shoulder soreness in high performance women’s water polo.