Three Papers, Day Two at IACSS09

I chaired a final paper session on Day Two at IACSS09. The three presenters were Alexis Lebedew, Gerard Sierksma and Natalie Ruiz.
Alexis presentation was A Reconceptualisation of Traditional Volleyball Statistics To Provide a Coaching Tool for Setting.
[slideshare id=2046478&doc=iacss09settinglebedew090923-090922233811-phpapp01]
Gerard presented on Talent Development, Performance Potential and Computer Support in Sports.
[slideshare id=2046932&doc=gerardsierksmacanberra2009-090923023731-phpapp02]
Natalie’s presentation was entitled Multimodal Cognitive Load Assessment for Athletes.
Photo Source
[slideshare id=2046933&doc=iacss09ruiz-090923023728-phpapp02]
There was a packed gathering to hear the three speakers and I thought their ideas and discussion was a great end to Day 2 of the conference. For me it meant a sleepless night pondering complexity and simplicity and how we might develop our understanding of performance in sport.
The other bookend to the day was Martin Lames‘s keynote. He started the fireworks of thoughts!


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