Temperature, humidity and ball in play time at 2018 FIFA #WorldCup after 20 games

There is a rich variety of data available on the 2018 FIFA World Cup website.
The FIFA live blog for each game records temperature and humidity.
After 20 games played in the tournament, I thought I would explore these data with regard to ball in play time in each game.
The data and the RCode I used are available on GitHub. This post is another learning out loud approach to my use of R and RStudio.
Temperature and Humidity for each of the 20 games:

Humidity and Ball in Play Time:

Temperature and Ball in Play Time:

These ggplots are created with secondary data. As with all my World Cup posts, I am mindful that I have not investigated the validity and reliability of these data. I do make some basic face validity assumptions about these data.
Photo Credit
_IGP5474 (Victor,  CC BY-SA 2.0)


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