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Curation and Kindness
Earlier today, an item in Stephen Downes' OLDaily took me to a Sue Waters post.
In her discussion of the importance of curation, Sue observes:
Curation, Devices and Analytics
Connectivism works for me.
I have a small number of aggregation tools that help me stay connected each day.
These tools link me to remarkably creative...
Remembering Lloyd: Celebrating Curation
Today was a serendipity day.
This morning, I read a post by Anita Brooks Kirkland about the role of the teacher-librarian as a curator. She...
Secondary Data Analysis and Curation: A Presentation at #IACSS2011
Last week I had an opportunity to make an oral presentation at the Eighth International Symposium of Computer Science in Sport in Shanghai.
I was...
I have been revising a paper I am writing on Cloud computing.
Part of the revision has involved looking at Curation.
This week I received an...
Curating a sport informatics and analytics open education resource
Last month, Bradley Boehmke and Brandon Greenwell published a guide to machine learning with R, it was titled Hands-On Machine Learning with R. I...
2017 in review: curating an open educational resource for sport informatics and analytics
In the last year, I have been able to spend time on most days curating the OERu course Sport Informatics and Analytics. The ease...
Mastodon: Sharing R Resources
I am delighted I have a Mastodon account (@KeithLyons). It provides a 500 character space for each toot.
It came to my help today.
I follow...
Connecting, Curating and Contemplating
I have participated remotely in two conferences in the last two weeks.
Last week it was Ascilite2016.
This week it was Moodleposium2016.
I followed both conferences from...
Curating (some) activity at #ascilite2016
I have had a fascinating morning as a remote participant in the Twitter sharing of events at #ascilite2016.
I am delighted that so many participants...