I have been thinking about the enormous potential of #UCSIA15 to connect communities of practice in sport informatics and analytics.
I wondered if it might be an open to sharing (O2S) experience as we explore these connections and stimulate self-organising networks.
I am hopeful that this O2S might ameliorate any Feelings of Missing Out (FoMO). I am grateful to Nir Eyal and Stuart Luman for explaining FoMO.
They note:
In 2013, the word “FoMO” was added to the Oxford English Dictionary. The “fear of missing out” refers to the feeling of “anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere.” Although the terminology has only recently been added to our lexicon, experiencing FoMO is nothing new.
#UCSIA15 is an asynchronous course. Everyone should be able to find out what is happening in the course when it is right for them. I intend to write a daily update to alert everyone to the day’s events in each of the twenty-eight days of the course.
I am mindful of Jill Lepore’s (2015) observation in my desire to archive, aggregate and share: “The Web dwells in a never-ending present. It is—elementally—ethereal, ephemeral, unstable, and unreliable”.
Thanks to Martin Geddes (2015) and his colleagues at the Hypervoice Consotrium, I do need to think about the place of the spoken voice in this ethereal, ephemeral, unstable O2S vision for #UCSIA15 (perhaps fallible rather than unreliable). Martin points out that we are in the midst of a sensor and sense-making revolution. In this revolution voice leads to Hypervoice, and sensors lead to Hypersense:
Hypersensed data is a paradigm shift: away from the current “senseless” approach to Information Technology (that is machine-centric); and towards a more people-centric and “sensual” form of Human Technology. (Original emphasis)
The Hypervoice Consortium share this video about communication in 2025.
In the interim, the kind of O2S I had in mind might be this kind of recommendation.
I am using Scoop.it to scan for Sport Analytics and Sport Informatics stories and resources. Yesterday I unearthed a Big Think presentation by David Stern.
I think it is a very interesting and brief (3m 35s) introduction to activity at the NBA.
My O2S interests do override FoMO. I appreciate more than ever that whatever ‘missing’ there is, self-organising networks help fill in the gaps. Not all of them, just some of them. Our connections give us the opportunity to know where and what those gaps are.