Vale Camilla

Today is one of those days that you never want to experience.
Today is the funeral service for Camilla Hayman, a beautiful, vibrant, loving wife, mum, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend.
Camilla passed away last week at too young an age. I do not have any language to describe how I feel about this.
But today I am going to remember and celebrate. In some small way I will join Brett, Josh, Tim, Jillian, Jeremy, Jane, Georgia, Sophia, Leeroy and all Camilla’s friends in a profound grief and joy.
I am going to think about an excited girl who brought energy into my life and the immense honour and privilege I felt in being her colleague. It was wonderful to learn so much about the world from Camilla.
I have kept a record of the work Camilla and I did together and I have been looking through this for the last few days. One of her projects epitomised for me her spirit and joy for life.
She was asked to develop a system to support coaches in extreme environments in aerial skiing.
The project took her from the AIS in Canberra, to a pond in Victoria, to Salt Lake City and back to Mount Buller. Camilla was incredibly inventive and produced a system that only she could have devised!
This is a copy of an Aerials presentation she made at the end of the project.
Today I am going to try to think about her soaring and being wonderfully loved by all those she touched.
Vale Camilla.



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