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Coaching and Pedagogy

There are a number of posts on Clyde Street that discuss coaching and pedagogy. The posts use the coaching (link) and communication (link) tags. Photo Credit Photo...

Alexis on coaching

Alexis Lebedew (link) has been thinking about coaching. His aim is with to come to a definition of what distinguishes high performance behaviour. Alexis has...

John Robert Wooden: the coaching process

Alexis Lebedew (link) alerted me to Marv Dunphy's Doctor of Education thesis on John Wooden. Alexis kindly shared a pdf of the thesis with...

Graham and Coaching

Introduction Thanks to Richard Pollard (link), I have been off searching for connections with Charles Reep, Graham Taylor, Watford and Simon Hartley. My search has led...

How we talk about coaching and coaches

I have been watching Britain's Great Art Walks (link). Each week, Gus Casely-Hayford has walked with a companion to explore the work of an...

A Coaching Mind

Lewis Lapham starts his post about the mind's ability to reinterpret the past with a quote from Jeffrey Eugenides: "Biology gives you a brain,...

Conversations about coaching

Last week, the New York Times published an article by Ava Kaufman about Bruno Latour. Some of the issues raised in the article are very...

Coaching as a humble vocation

Background I have the good fortune to meet and spend time in the presence of coaches. I have been in England for the last three weeks...

Talking about coaching

I had a conversation with Russell Earnshaw about coaching. It has become a podcast (40 minutes). The link is https://www.buzzsprout.com/205642/825963-episode-3-with-keith-lyons

Coaching Ideas

Two fragments came together yesterday and sent me off thinking about coaching. The first came in an email message from Jo Gibson. She is writing...

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