I have been watching Britain’s Great Art Walks (link). Each week, Gus Casely-Hayford has walked with a companion to explore the work of an artist. Last week he walked with Harriet Walter to discuss Walter Sickert (link).

The Brighton Pierrots (1915
I was particularly interested in Gus and Harriet’s conversation as they explored Walter’s interest in and observations of performance. One of the triggers (and conclusion) was Walter’s 1915 painting, The Brighton Pierrots (link).
The Walks are a great introduction to art, art history and artists. I have been wondering how conversations about coaching, coaching history and coaches might flourish in this format.
The Walks are profoundly well researched and the choice of companion for each walk is inspired. Each week I gain a sense of place and space. The triggers for conversations are art works.
Now that we do have more artefacts about coaching and coaches, I wondered whom we might research and with whom we might talk about coaching, coach history and coaches.
My first choice would be to visit the Ukraine and explore the life and times Valerij Lobanovs’kyj (link). I wondered if Lisa Alexander might walk with me on this visit (link).