I have blogging on Clyde Street since 2008. It took me a while to explore sport history on my site.

My first foray was with Lloyd Messersmith (link). It was a revised version of a paper I wrote in 1994 to celebrate the life and work of Lloyd Lowell Messersmith.I included a copy of the paper for download (link). I thought that most of his work has been under reported in historical overviews of notation even though many of the issues he addresses are of fundamental interest.The post reported biographical information, details of Lloyd’s publications and a summary of his doctoral dissertation. My aim was to contribute to a sociology of knowledge of notation in sport. Thereafter, I used Lloyd’s description of distances travelled as ‘traversing’ in a number of posts (link).

Shortly after the Lloyd post, I looked at the life of Charles Reep (link). My post was reproduced from the proceedings of the International Society of Notational Analysis (1997) (link). Charles commented on the early drafts of this paper. It was written in the present tense five years before Charles’ death. The paper I wrote in 1997 was titled The Long and Direct Road: Charles Reep’s Analysis of Association Football. I modified the post in 2012 (link) as a result of comments made by Neil Lanham (link).
Thereafter on Clyde Street, I started to explore #history in more detail (link) and also used the sport history tag (link).
Recently, I found the Creative Commons OER platform (link). I am really interested in the way that this platform enables the user to create open educational resources. I have used it to share all the history posts on Clyde Street using a Google Slides deck (link).

Photo Credit
Lloyd Messersmith (DePauw University)
Charles Reep (Richard Pollard)
History on Clyde Street (OER Commons)