Each day, Mara Averick (@dataandme) (link) shares some excellent R advice and links on Twitter. For a while, I bookmarked all her suggestions but there were so many of them that I did not manage to return to them. Even allocating them to bookmark folders did not improve my follow up rate.
For the past month or so, I have been creating R scripts in RStudio each day to try out the coding of some of her suggestions. This was the case today with her link to Joachim Gassen’s ExPanDaR 0.4.0 package (link).
I have a GitHub repository for this exploration to share my csv files and code (link). Like most of my efforts it is just a start … and an attempt to share sport examples.
However, I am really interested in the package’s potential for me to have a first look at data, and if appropriate to work through it with coaches to develop their data dashboard … if they think it can be of help to them.
I used the ExPanDaR’s functions to create: a descriptive table (of all variables); a scatter plot; a quantile_trend_graph (distributions of one variable over time); and a list of the 5 most extreme observations in the data frame. I particularly liked the Shiny opportunities I had to plot variables. I am still trying to work out the tooltip functionality for my descriptive table.
My visualisation examples are:

I am looking forward to exploring these functions and other visualisation functions available in ExPanDaR.