I have been working on a presentation for a Smart Talk at the Australian Institute of Sport on 17 October.
I have a structure in place now (48 slides’ worth) and have a storyboard slide to summarise my presentation:
I am gradually adding speaker notes to each slide. I am using Google Slides for the presentation and am sharing it production here as a work in progress.
My note for the storyboard slide is:
This is a storyboard synopsis of my talk. I am hopeful that parallels with the rural fire service, insights from Immanuel Wallerstein and George Kelly will help establish my thoughts about cores and edges. This talk is intended to be a pre-Tokyo conversation about where Australia’s competitive edge might be. I have some suggestions to make about relationships between cores and edges and have some recommendations to make inspired by a diversity of sources.
Today I added some material from John Hagel and John Seely Brown to discuss Edges. I added a note about edges from Katherine Emmons (2009) too:
In the purest artistic sense, without “edges” – a point of contrast where light meets dark – an object (and I would venture, concept) has no form.
Hopefully my presentation can discuss form and Immanuel Wallerstein’s thoughts on “remolding advantage”.
I am keen for the presentation to be shared in advance of the talk so I will need to complete it in the next day or so.