Shane Nuessler is facilitating an eportfolio workshop in the InSPIRE Centre at the University of Canberra this afternoon.
Some proposed outcomes for the workshop are:
- Locate an existing professional portfolio relevant to you and deconstruct by identifying and extracting key concepts and features.
- Plan your own professional portfolio by integrating and organising the key concepts and features you have identified, as well as any other concepts and features you wish to integrate.
- Identify the range and types of tools available for portfolio implementation and choose one that suits your needs.
- Begin construction of your own professional portfolio.
- Identify good practices for application in your own eportfolio teaching strategies.
The workshop is taking place as the InSPIRE Centre is completing preparations for a grand opening next Monday. These preparations include the installation of a Hiperwall.
The awesome@Hiperwall coming to INSPIRE soon … just ask@munnerley@rfitzgerald
The workshop comes at the end of a semester when 70 students on the #SCP12 unit have developed their own eportfolios.
Their collective efforts have been curated on a Wikiversity page.
[…] Hiperwall there is just one of the many tools for engagement and […]