A Collaborative Paper Idea

I have posted an idea for a collaborative paper at a conference Ning site
I have six weeks to develop the paper. My aim is to have the paper exemplify the issues raised by the call in special-issue-ijcss-revised.
I thought I would add a Twitter tag #L&C09 to add another dimension to the discussion.
Sitting by the computer early in the morning here in Mongarlowe, I drafted the start of an abstract:

This paper celebrates the rise of open and connected communities of practice in teaching and learning. It explores the contribution connectivism is making to synchronous and asynchronous learning. Two examples are used to share the possibilities created by open and connected comminuities of practice. The paper concludes with an exhortation for those involved in the study of computer science in sport to embrace and develop a semantic web approach to teaching and learning.

This took me to the start of an introduction:

This paper is a response to a call made by Larry Katz and Christoph Igel for contributions to a special journal issue of  the International Journal of Computer Science in Sport (IJCSS). The call was sent as a pdf document to a listserv of the International As-sociation of Computer Science in Sport (IACSS) membership. It is interesting that we regard this mode of communication as ‘normal’ practice in 2009.
Larry and Christoph observe that “many new and exciting programs are being devel-oped in the areas of multimedia and elearning with the Internet as one of the main sources for distribution”.  They add that “we are interested in papers that explore the innovative use of these tools and their effectiveness in improving learning and performance.”
In addition to submitting this paper for peer review I have shared its development as a paper as a blog post and have initiated discussion about it on a social network site de-veloped for the IACSS 2009 Congress (http://iacss09.ning.com).

I am aware that a number of CCK08 colleagues have adopted this approach and I would welcome any advice or guidance you have.
My thought at the moment is that whatever happens we have an example of a paper that is accepted or rejected and that starts to harvest the shared understandings and differences we have. I am hopeful that it will be a multiple media event!


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