Brennon Dowrick , the Master of Ceremonies, welcomed guests and delegates to the 13th IASI World Congress.
Brennon introduced Brent Espeland, Acting CEO, Australian Sports Commission (ASC) and invited him to make the official welcome address to all congress delegates. Brent welcomed delegates on behalf of the ASC. In his address, Brent identified Sport as a great social movement and encouraged delegates to identify and share sport information that highlighted the colour and richness of the fabric of sport. In his concluding remarks Brent acknowledge the role the NSIC had played in organising the conference and congratulated the NSIC in its work.
Brennon then invited Gretschen Ghent, IASI President, to make her welcome speech on behalf of IASI. Gretschen pointed to the exciting and challenging three days ahead. She thanked the NSIC too for its diligent work in preparing for a memorable three days. She noted the wonderful opportunities presented by the digital changes occurring and the collaborative work required to enable ease of access to, and delivery of, multimedia resources. Gretschen encouraged delegates to explore and debate these issues during the Congress. She exhorted delegates to learn, ask, mingle and socialise!
Brennon Dowrick shared his story as a gymnast scholarship athlete at the Australian Institute of Sport and as Australia’s first Commonwealth Gold medallist in gymnastics as a 19 years ago in Auckland, New Zealand. He illustrated his talk with his pommel horse routine from that event.
Brennon then introduced Edward Derse as the Congress’s first Keynote Address.