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Planning for the Centenary of the 1919 Peace Regatta 02

Introduction This is a second post in a record of planning for the centenary of the Royal Henley Peace Regatta . An introductory post can be...

Planning for the Centenary of the 1919 Peace Regatta 01

On Saturday 5 July 1919 a crew from the Australian Imperial Force defeated Oxford University at the Royal Henley Peace Regatta to win the...

Missing in Action: #ASSH2013 A Welcome to Sporting Traditions XIX

I am unable to attend the Opening Day of Sporting Traditions XIX Conference in Canberra. My colleagues Bruce Coe and Robin Poke have been remarkable...

Higher Degree Research

I was a full-time member of staff at the University of Canberra from March 2009 to November 2013. I am an Adjunct Professor at the...

Clyde Street 2012

I wrote 260 posts on Clyde Street this year. This has been my fifth year with WordPress. I see this blog as a way of...

John, Clegg and Paddy

I was fascinated to read John Carmody's account of War and Brotherhood in The Australian on 23 April. He wrote about two remarkable men, Clegg...

Pedal Power: Cycle Tourism and Social Media

We have just held a second PhD progress seminar in the University of Canberra’s Teaching Commons. Dennis Puniard presented his update of work on cycle...

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