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Goal-Line Technology: July 2011 Update
This week there was an announcement on Fifa.com (21 July) about goal-line technology developments.
Nine companies have nominated for goal-line technology’s (GLT) first testing phase.
Goal-Line Technology: June 2011 Upddate
This week iSportConnect and World Football Insider carried updated discussions on goal-line technology. World Football Insider suggests that 13 companies have expressed interest whilst...
Goal? … and some
In March I wrote about IFAB's decision to extend testing of goal-line technology.
On 3 May FIFA announced that a new set of tests for...
The International Football Association Board (IFAB) has announced that the testing of Goal Line Technology will be extended by one year.
At the annual meeting...
#HPRW10: Peter Kean and the benefits of technology roadmaps
Tim Kelly (AIS Performance Research Centre) introduced Peter Kean.
Peter's talk outlined and discussed the process of technology roadmapping (TRM) as a tool for...
Dagstuhl: Day 1 Session 3
The Computer Science in Sport Conference (Special Emphasis:Football) at Schloss Dagstuhl had a mixed group of presentations in the third session of Day 1.
Ian Franks and the Centre for Sport Analysis, at the University of British Columbia.
I am delighted to introduce Ian's account, in his own words, of developments at the University of Brirish Columbia during his four decades there....
Football Analytics: Now and Beyond
Marti Casals (link) kindly sent me a copy of Football Analytics: Now and Beyond. The book reports the proceedings of the second Barça Sports...
Bounded rationalty, conversations and time
Sam Robertson and David Joyce (2019) have discussed "sport science’s accelerated uptake of technology and the resultant...
Augmenting, interacting, reflecting
I have revisited Douglas Engelbart's 1962 paper Augmenting Human Intellect: A Conceptual Framework (link). I did so after Mark Upton shared links with me...