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Groups and Deliberation
John Gastil was a guest on Margaret Throsby's program today. I thought what he had to say was fascinating and followed up on his...
Quick Response (QR) Codes
A few days ago I received a Diigo Teacher-Librarian alert to Gwyneth Jones's QR Code Comic Tutorial. Her comic format is a great vehicle...
Coordinated Team Efforts: Sharing Insights from Health Care
Paul Barach was a guest on Radio National's Health Report this week (15 November). I listened to his interview with Norman Swan (link to...
Association, Aggregation and Acknowledgement
In the last year I have been exploring how a connectivist approach to sharing information might support the flourishing of digital communities of practice...
Understanding stories, connecting messages
On 26 July the New Scientist carried news of research by Greg Stephens, Lauren Silbert and Uri Hasson at Princeton University. New Scientist noted...
Play and Display
Two items this week have prompted me to think again about Gregory P. Stone's distinction between play and display (American Sports: Play and Dis-Play,...
Sport n.0: Connecting Social Networks
Last year I wrote a paper for a special edition (Multimedia, the World Wide Web and eLearning in Sport) of the International Journal of...
Social Media Sharing
I have been posting some #worldcup updates to Twitter this week. In passing I have accessed a number of links to social media resources...
High Touch Coaching
By one of those wonderful coincidences I was reading John Naisbitt's High Tech High Touch when a colleague sent me news of research into...
Persuasion: Neuroscience Insights for Coaches
Stephen Downes linked to a fascinating article in Science Daily (23 June 2010) recently. The article is titled Neuroscientists Can Predict Your Behavior...