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Communication, Social Media and the Coach
I am meeting with Robin McConnell's undergraduate Advanced Coaching Studies' group on 29 April.
My discussion topic is Communication, Social Media and the Coach.
This blog...
A Perfect Mess: on-line communication
I was driving home last night and came across an interview between Michael Duffy and David Freedman on Radio National's Counterpoint. David Freedman is...
Sporting Organisations and Digital Communication
Edwina Luck and Elizabeth Buchanan (August, 2008) have published a paper entitled Sporting Organisations: Do they need to Communicate with Members?
In their abstract...
Analytics: theory and practice
Stephen Downes provided a link to Dominic Wyse's presentation (link) in his newsletter today (link). In his presentation as President of the British Educational...
Epistemic Vigilance
When I was drafting sections of the Sport Informatics and Analytics course on WikiEducator (link), I had an opportunity to look at what is...
Coaching and Pedagogy
There are a number of posts on Clyde Street that discuss coaching and pedagogy.
The posts use the coaching (link) and communication (link) tags.
Photo Credit
I really enjoy writing blog posts on Clyde Street. I have been blogging on WordPress since 2008 and am approaching my 2000th post. I...
Thinking about pedagogy
I have had lots of time in recent months to think about pedagogical practice in sport analytics. A number of my posts in Clyde...
Intelligence Augmentation
Xiao-Li Meng, author of Data Science: An Artificial Ecosystem (link) noted "I used the word “artificial” to signal that data science is both human-created...
What are we doing when we analyse?
Paul Rees (9 January, 2020) (link) in an article in The Guardian asked Is rugby union losing its way by becoming a numbers game?....