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Bill and Phenomenography
I watched the New York Times documentary about Bill Cunningham with great interest.
Bill has been photographing people on New York streets for the past...
Super Netball 2018: Round 13 Lightning v Swifts
Delegates from the 14th Australasian Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sport are off to the Sunshine Coast Lightning netball game today.
The Lightning...
It has been a feast of delight this week on Clyde Street.
I have been following up on the ideas shared by David Zeevi and...
Vale Bill Cunningham
I wrote about Bill Cunningham in 2014. I had seen a documentary about his life and work that sent me off thinking about phenomenography.
AFL Round 8: Reflecting on counter-predictive outcomes
Thirty-six years ago, George Lewis and Jonathan Lewis wrote about negative evidence in social research.
In the introduction to their paper, they wrote:
In social research,...
#coachlearninginsport: ethnography and learning experience
This is a second #coachlearninginsport post.
I have been fortunate to have seen a draft report on some research underway with Elite Coach Developers in...
#UCSIA15 Connecting and Sharing Macro and Micro Perspectives
We are three weeks away from the start of #UCSIA15, a free, open, online course that will share experiences of sport informatics and analytics.
Ecologies of Performance
I have been thinking about patterns of performance in team games.
One of the catalysts for this has been my participation in a Rugby Coaches'...
Performance against ranking 140401
I am continuing to monitor performance against ranking in three football codes (rugby union, rugby league and Australian Rules).
Performance against ranking
The trends after last...
Winning and Losing in the 2013 Six Nations Rugby Union Tournament: Some Quantitative Data
I have been following the 2013 Six Nations' performance data provided by the Official Website for the Tournament.
This is my first look at some...