Spring cleaning #OERuSIA ready for #Abbotsthon17

A frame grab of the landing page for the Sport Informatics and Analytics (#OERuSIA) course on WikiEducator.
I have been getting ready for #Abbotsthon17 in October in Dublin at the HPX 2017 Knowledge Exchange Conference.
As part of the day’s workshop, I have planned an autoresponse pre-workshop sharing of information about Sport Informatics and Analytics. I am using an OERu course to do this (#OERuSIA).
I have spent the last week Spring cleaning the course and making sure I am using the appropriate WikiEducator pedagogical iDevice templates to structure course content.
An example of the IDevices used in WikiEducator
The process has enhanced my interest in the open sharing of microcontent. I am looking forward to learn how the #Abbotsthon17 participants have enjoyed the experience.
The WikiEducator course template includes the opportunity to list an outline of the course with all the sections listed.
The Sport Informatics and Analytics outline can be found here. As of today there are 100 mocrocontent parts of the course.
As an open resource licensed under a Creative Commons license CC BY-SA 3.0, I think these microcontents could contribute to an infinite collection of resources focused on performance in sport.


Shortly after posting this, Wayne Mackintosh was writing on the ICDE blog about micro-credentials in open online courses. In his post he notes:

The OERu assembles open online courses from OER and open access materials designed for independent study. Learners can study OERu courses online for free from anywhere in the world. Learners only pay for assessment, if and when they are ready for it. OERu partner institutions award transcript credit for assessed learning. OERu partners have developed a system for transnational credit transfer that operates within existing institutional policies. Successful learners can have their credits recognised towards designated qualifications based on credit transfer and credit accumulation agreements between OERu institutions.

I see enormous opportunities in this approach for learners with different amounts of time to invest in their learning journeys.


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