What makes the perfect sport performance analyst? – Questionnaire Blog
#PerformanceAnalystLearning #EducationToConsultation #RelevanceToIntelligence
Calling all practitioners
In my first guest post, I introduced my three blog part series titled “What makes the perfect analyst?”, which explored the personification horizon of practitioner learning and the lifelong learning journey to be a successful practitioner. As an association, this secondary blog is an introduction to my research project exploring the qualities, behaviours and characteristics that are associated with effective practice.
The current state of the research project has gained momentum through interviews being conducted by practitioners and academics in both performance analysis and sport analytics, which has laid the foundations for the construction of the questionnaire. Hoping to acquire a richer reflection of practitioner perspectives on what core themes influence effective practice. Also, the questionnaire has been devised and aimed at a global audience to obtain a worldwide perspective and global opinion on what is effective practice.
The motivation of the research is to gain an understanding of the characteristics, qualities and behaviours that are associated with effective practice. Allowing, the discovery of technical and non-technical qualities associated with effective professional practice, and as such, will allow the examination of the temporal and contextual aspects (i.e. demands, barriers, and support mechanisms) that facilitate or hinder career maturation. As a result, potentially offering a practice based evidence that aids practitioners understanding the process and factors that influence effective consultancy. Also, developing practitioner’s awareness of tools, characteristics and behaviours to ensure a successful career within the field. In order, to give some contextual information about the state of literature. I have complied a short research overview below.
Research Overview
Robins (2014) comprehensively highlighted that the PA field has a paucity of literature surrounding employment – behaviour focused research and limited contextual intelligence information that practitioners can translate into practice. In answering, the call to provide applied theoretical support to the field of practitioners, PA needs to broaden its horizon and provide empirical imperial evidence based towards career assistance. In doing so, exploring aspects that develop evidence – based guidelines for optimum practice (Martindale, 2007) and evidence surrounding the process and factors that influence the effectiveness of consultancy (Wright et al., 2014) are paramount for the domain of applied performance analysis (Lames, 2014). As performance analysis is a profession that offers and requires an exciting journey of lifelong learning (Lyons, 2016). Thus, exploring and evaluating applied effective characteristics of practitioners can provide, an evidence base to guide optimum practice in being an effective practitioner. Additionally, exploring the “life – span” and career development pathway of a practitioners, which understands the temporal and contextual aspects (i.e. demands, coping resources, support mechanisms) that facilitates or hinders “career maturation”.
As a result, I hope to publish a third blog that will contain the findings of the research. Importantly, I hope the results of the findings will potentially implement a theoretical approach to practice effectiveness, which will hopefully include mapping of effective practice and a possible communication model with coaches.
Once again thanks for reading… if you are willing to participate in the study please follow the short summary below.
The Survey
I have generated a questionnaire with MonkeySurvey (link).
There are 17 Likert scale questions, which will take 10 minutes to complete. Participants will be able to access and complete questionnaire at their convenience. I have a deadline of 8 September 2017 to complete the questionnaire to allow sufficient time to extract, interpret and complete by my dissertation deadline.
Thank you for taking time out to read this blog. If you are willing to participate within the study and would like more information about the research or need assistance with the completion of the study please do not hesitate to contact me at this email address.or through Twitter (@JamieColes1993)
Until next time… I look forward to exploring the results and publishing the findings.
Lames, M. (2014). Comprehensive Performance Analysis. In G. Sporis, Z. Milanovic, M. Hughes and D. Skergo (eds.), Book of Abstracts World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport X (pp. 21 – 25). Opatija, Croatia, Sept 3 – 6.
Lyons, K. (2016). Entangled Narratives: Sport Performance Analysis and Sport Performance Analytics. Accessed on 27/01/17. Available Online at: https://keithlyons.me/blog/2017/01/06/entangled-narratives-sport-performance-analysis-and-sport-performance-analytics/.
Robins, M. (2014). Applied Performance Analysis: Insights from Professional Football. In G. Sporis, Z. Milanovic, M. Hughes and D. Skergo (eds.), Book of Abstracts World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport X (pp. 125). Opatija, Croatia, Sept 3 – 6.
Wright, C., Carling, C. and Collins, D.(2014). The Wider Context of Performance Analysis and its Application in the Football Coaching Process. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 14, 709 – 733.