ChangeMakers (#RecogniseHer)

Lady Eleanor Holles Scool lacrosse team 1968
The Anita White Foundation and the University of Chichester Institute of Sport are hosting a website to make “Celia Brackenridge’s life and work as a scholar and activist accessible and available to individuals, groups and organisations who are interested in women, sport, and social change”.
The website is titled Women and Sport: The ChangeMakers. The website has pages on:

An About page has this background information:

The website is a project of the Anita White Foundation (AWF) as part of the University of Chichester, drawing on materials donated by Celia Brackenridge to the AWF, and stored in the Anita White Foundation International Women and Sport Archive at the University of Chichester. Celia has been a supporter of the AWF since its launch in 2011, and the AWF wanted to use this interactive digital resource to make Celia’s life and work accessible to scholars and activists interested in women, sport and social change, and to inspire future women leaders of sport.

There is an official launch of the website on Friday 14 July at Guildford. In my excitement I tweeted about the website but realise I need to wait for the day! There is a # linked to the event, #RecogniseHer.

I do think this is a wonderful initiative and a very powerful resource. One person’s journey to and from the picture at the top of this post has inspired and will continue to inspire many others.

Photo Credits
Lady Eleanor Holles School lacrosse team 1968 (Sporting Honours)
Celia Brackenridge (Lacrosse Talk)


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