In an interview published this week, Stephen Downes discusses connectivism.
He observes:
knowledge is the organization of connections in a network of interconnected entities, where a connection is a link such that a change of state in one entity can result in a change of state in another entity.
Later in the interview, Stephen discusses virtualization:
We’re trying to create different experiences for different people, and from the interaction among those people, each with their own perspective, we get new knowledge as a result.
Stephen’s interview was one of the items that appeared in my inbox today.
I am at the point now where I have been able to manage the volume of sharing I receive each day that gives me the opportunity to extend my personal learning through gleaning.
There is a definition of gleaning as “obtaining information from various sources”. I think sometimes I end up with biblical-type gleaning too (“collecting leftover crops’).
One of my pull resources today came from a coach educator who was using Adobe Spark. His innovation led me to try out Spark too.
This first effort pulls together my gleanings in and around the social learning space.
A first draft of my first Spark
— Keith Lyons (@520507) March 2, 2017
Photo Credit
Fake Tilt Shift (Martin Alleus, CC BY-SA 2.0)