
In an interview published this week, Stephen Downes discusses connectivism.
He observes:

knowledge is the organization of connections in a network of interconnected entities, where a connection is a link such that a change of state in one entity can result in a change of state in another entity.

Later in the interview, Stephen discusses virtualization:

We’re trying to create different experiences for different people, and from the interaction among those people, each with their own perspective, we get new knowledge as a result.

Stephen’s interview was one of the items that appeared in my inbox today.
I am at the point now where I have been able to manage the volume of sharing I receive each day that gives me the opportunity to extend my personal learning through gleaning.
There is a definition of gleaning as “obtaining information from various sources”. I think sometimes I end up with biblical-type gleaning too (“collecting leftover crops’).
One of my pull resources today came from a coach educator who was using Adobe Spark. His innovation led me to try out Spark too.
This first effort pulls together my gleanings in and around the social learning space.

Photo Credit

Fake Tilt Shift (Martin Alleus, CC BY-SA 2.0)


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