#UC-HRI's ACTive Community Project

The University of Canberra’s Health Research Institute is launching an ACTive Community research project this Wednesday at 10am.
The study is funded by the Canberra CBR Innovation Development Fund.
Information about the study can be found here.
The ACTive Community website reports:

Researchers from the Health Research Institute at the University of Canberra and Data61 are studying how activity trackers and mobile devices can help identify lifestyle behavioural risk-factors for the prevention of chronic disease e.g. heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke.

Using individual data from activity trackers and wearable devices, we can aggregate this data into groups and sub-populations and examine how your work, home and neighbourhood environment can have impact on your health.

Findings from the project will be used to inform future city planning for Canberra so we can live in a city which encourages and enables physical activity for all.

You can register for the project here.
The study coordinators at the Health Research Institute, University of Canberra can be contacted by email at uchri@canberra.edu.au, or by phone on 02 6201 5359.

Photo Credit

25km Exactly (Lachlan Rogers, CC BY-SA 2.0)


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