Today is R U OK? Day.
Although each day is an R U OK? day for me, this annual event focusses my thoughts.
I think about my brother, John. I think about Gavin Larkin, the founder of R U OK? Day.
I think too about my involvement in high performance sport and what we can do to reduce the psychological and social burdens we place on young people.
R U OK? Day coincides this year with World Suicide Prevention Day. In its observation of the day, Suicide Prevention Australia remembers “those we have lost to suicide and acknowledges the suffering suicide brings when it touches our lives”.
My brother, John, took his own life thirty-three years ago. Whenever I see a game of football, I think of him.
Because of him, I think of all other footballers too. He is forever young in my thoughts … and I realise that this is the tragedy of suicide.
Photo Credit
Holding Dad’s Hand (Deb, CC BY 2.0)