I look forward to receiving my daily link to a Cowbird story.
Today I was delighted to learn about Elis Bradshaw‘s story, I Do It With You. It is very hard not to be delighted with a story that starts:
Around mile six, a little boy ran past me. “No more hurting people” was handwritten in black marker across the back of his shirt … The boy who passed me had legs that looked too young and coltish to take him the whole way, but there he was. Running …
and even harder to stop reading when it contained
I thought about the block around mile three that smelled like bacon, its pajama-clad neighbors sharing coffee we passed. About the man wearing sunglasses who stood next to an inflatable dinosaur with a sign that begged: “Run quieter – I’m hungover.”
Just after reading that and after my Sunday morning visit to the Mongarlowe Fireshed, I had a Paper.Li alert to Alan Levine’s Call for Stories.
Elis’s story encouraged me to reply to Alan’s call. I admire immensely what Alan does and so I did respond with trepidation. I thought I would use AudioBoo to share my story.
Photo Credit
Running (TXKimmers, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)
Thanks so much Keith for adding your voice to the mix- that connectivity of CCK08 has a lot of staying power. Cheers to you and other friends in the Canberra region (it’s been maybe 6 years since I’ve been there).
Thank you, Alan.