#OAPS101: A Day in the Life of a Performance Analyst

The Observing and Analysing Performance in Sport course has encouraged me to think about networks and communities of practice. These issues came into focus today with news of the Digital Futures conference held in Citigate in Sydney earlier this week (shared with me by Alan Arnold).
Merilyn Childs was one of the speakers at the conference. Her talk was titled Not business as usual: MOOCs, Badges, OERs & global personal learning activism. Merilyn has a copy of her presentation on SlideShare.
My conversation with Alan about the conference was one of the prompts I received during the day about performance analysis and connected communities.

  • I started the day looking at and writing about what had happened overnight in #OAPS101.
  • I followed up on a conversation about coach development with a colleague from a sports institute.
  • I had the good fortune to participate in the Performance Analysis unit at the University and was able to introduce Alexis Lebedew to the group.
  • Alexis told me about his brother’s Facebook page At Home on the Court and Huy’s  Volleyball Blog and Newsletter
  • I exchanged some ideas about observation with a coach.
  • I met with a colleague from the Australian Paralympic Committee to discuss an open source approach to sharing resources.
  • Ended the day at the University discussing Learning and Teaching in the context of  #OAPS101 and racing over to see the end of a football coaching session to talk with a coach.

The day underscored for me the diversity and delight of being involved in performance analysis.


  1. Keith,
    This provides a really interesting insight into the varied life of an analyst and the manner in which interdisciplinary understanding and appreciation plays such a large role in performance analysis, both practical and theoretical. I feel it encourages us all to sit back at the end of the day in order to better understand what has been achieved through the day, week & month and how this can relate to our own personal and professional development – it’s often so easy to get caught up in whatever we’re doing and lose sight of the bigger picture.

    • Will
      Thank you for commenting on the post. I do think that one of the most exciting things about performance analysis is its interdisciplinary potential.
      Our occupational culture gives us opportunities each day to develop interdisciplinary practice. I thought you explored these issues with great insight in your recent post.
      I really enjoy learning about your work, Will. Thank you for making time to share.


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