It has been an overcast week in Mongarlowe.
We had 100% cloud cover at the time of the Transit of Venus on Wednesday.
There was an excellent real time web stream of the transit for those of us blocked by cloud.
Flickr has some excellent images from Australia.
This one is by Taylor Lamb-Lawton and was taken at Adelaide Festival Plaza, South Australia, using a 5D Mk III attached to a telescope at an event hosted by the Astronomical Society of South Australia and CSIRO.
The next Transit occurs on 11th December 2117. I wonder if my WordPress blog will still be active.
This is John Fowler’s picture from New Mexico:
I found 1581 Creative Commons images tagged ‘Transit of Venus’ on Flickr. What a great way to share experiences.
Photo Credits
Venus Transit (Adelaide, South Australia)
Transit of Venus (Placitas, New Mexico)