I received a great link from Kent Anderson at The Scholarly Kitchen this morning.
Kent writes about a stop motion film made in the Type Books Toronto bookshop.
The Joy of Books was made by Sean Ohlenkamp and Lisa Blonder Ohlenkamp.
The film was posted on YouTube on 9 January 2012. By the time I saw it there had been 1,498,241 views.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKVcQnyEIT8?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
I was delighted by the creative imaginations that made the film possible. In addition to admiring the passion that led Sean and Lisa to make the film I found myself thinking about how we can transform everyday learning environments.
I liked the soundtrack composed by Tim Westin of Grayson Matthews too.
If you would like more information about this project there is:
- an interview with Sean Ohlenkamp in a Quill & Quire post
- a CTV report
- Organising the Bookcase (Sean and Lisa’s first stop motion film about books) “This weekend we decided to organize the bookcase. It got a little out of hand.”
After watching both videos I went back to a post I wrote last October about Brigita Ozolins and her Reading Room show at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. I thought Brigita, Sean and Lisa would have a great conversation.
Love this video!