Commodities into assets?

I am enjoying working with Dennis Bryant on his PhD.
Dennis is looking at student learning success in one year (2009) at one University. Together we are looking at the possibilities of students being regarded as assets rather than commodities.
His research has been prompting me to think about personal learning plans and their role in sport.
This prompting became even stronger when I read about Nicholas Gruen’s Wellbeing Index. In a report about the Index the Sydney Morning Herald noted that:

One of the nation’s most valuable assets is not its physical assets, like buildings and machinery, but its human capital – the knowledge and knowhow embodied in our people. Education is the key driver of improvements in human capital.

Nicholas Gruen has written about the Index here.
Dennis and Nicholas have made me think about the value we add to a person’s entry profile into a system. I see this value adding process as very personal.
I am keen to explore the interaction of indices of wellbeing and learning success. I think they provide a key to the investments made in development pathways.
Photo Credit
Banksy Fridge Kite


    • A very good point, James. Thank you for the link.
      I was thinking about a generic category of student as an apprentice in a craft guild but you have prompted me to reconsider.


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