A brief Cirrus post to end the week.
I read with interest news of a Little Printer via a Scholarly Kitchen post. Berg has produced the printer and reports that:
Little Printer wirelessly connects (with no configuration) to a small box that plugs into your broadband router. . . . your phone is your remote control. We think of BERG Cloud as the nervous system for connected products.
There is more information about the Little Printer on Matt Webb’s post.
By coincidence the Scholarly Kitchen page had a link to an interview with Clay Johnson.
Marc Slocum notes that:
Clay Johnson (@cjoh), author of the forthcoming book “The Information Diet,” believes the information overload problem is actually an information consumption problem. In the following interview, Johnson explains how reframing the issue around consumption and taking ownership of our info intake are the keys to finding information balance.
One of my consumption issues is how to curate the information I gather. My cirrus posts are one way of doing this for me. My blog has become a repository. This week I was interested to find Lyn Hay‘s post (via a Diigo Teacher-Librarian Group link) Content curation and the power of collective intelligence. I thought Lyn’s post was an excellent resource for a community of practice keen to connect about curation.
The Teacher-Librarian Group in Diigo brought me news of David Kapuler’s Top 100 websites for 2011. David observes of his list:
I tried to cover a wide range of sites, from flash card creators to digital storytelling and of course, social networks, which really shined in 2011.
Photo Credit
Little Printer