This week’s wisps of the Cloud include:
From Stephen Downes’ OLDaily:
Connections: Virtual Learning Communities (1 June)
Twitter Echochamber (1 June)
YOURLS blog (31 May)
Visions and scenarios (30 May)
Eric Sheniger’s blog (27 May)
Education is a reflective practice. This blog provides my views on educational leadership, effective technology integration, best practices, and creating a student-centered learning culture.
From other sources:
Anders Olof Larsson and Stefan Hrastinski, Blogs and Blogging (3 June)
Adopting an interdisciplinary scope, this paper presents a review of research on blogs and blogging within the social sciences and the humanities. It maps out what kind of research has been completed, how it has been performed and what gaps that might need to be filled in this relatively new area of research. More specifically, the paper will analyze all articles on blogs and blogging published until 2009 and indexed by the ISI Web of Knowledge.
Da Vinci, education and observation (2 June)
He closely observed the laws of nature. He examined the mechanics of animals, especially birds. He looked at the ways people move, interact, and express themselves. He watched the ways people work and thought of mechanical devices that could improve and streamline important tasks.
Enhancing customer service with social media (2 June)
Disconnection is cool … (2 June)
Three posts from The Scholarly Kitchen (2 June)
David Gauntlett’s Making is Connecting (2 June)
CatchFree (1 June)
Kipp Bodnar’s 22 Educational Social Media Diagrams (30 May)
Teaching Greatness (29 May)
… at Locke Elementary, procedures and routines are the same from classroom to classroom, even on the playground. These procedures make school safe and predictable, dependable and consistent. This is especially important to children who may come from a home or neighborhood environment that does not offer consistency to them.
Morten Myrstad’s blog (28 May)
En blogg om medier og kommunikasjon, strategisk og operativt, visuelt og verbalt, online og offline … from Norway.
Marco Cardinale’s blog (28 May)
I am the Head of Sports Science and Research of the British Olympic Association. This blog aims at presenting useful information in sports and fitness science.
Social Network Mining Application (27 May)
This paper describes the development of a scalable social network discovery algorithm and its deployment in a revenue agency.
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Cirrus, adjusterated