I have the opportunity to meet colleagues who are members of the JIVE Group at the University of Canberra on 9 November. JIVE is a Women’s Group Mentoring Program. The JIVE stands for Journey, Inspiration, Vision and Encouragement.
The title of my talk is inspired by the lyrics of Oh Laura’s Release Me and the The Killers’ Human.
I was due to meet the group on 26 October but I had to postpone my talk. Early last month I drafted my presentation and posted it on SlideShare. My misspelling of Danser in the title was a link to the discussions about the lyrics of Human.
[slideshare id=5294697&doc=treesanddansers-100927015153-phpapp02]
The SlideShare contains links to some of the ideas I have aggregated for the JIVE talk. I hope to use my experiences of sport to emphasise the centrality of self-esteem in personal flourishing.
In my talk I am keen to share some video images to stimulate discussion and reflection. I am excited too by my discovery of the Fluency Manifesto. (See this post for more information about creating language communities.) Whilst working out the significance of WAYK I found Dan Pink’s AMP too.
This week I received a remarkable video from a group of athletes I worked with in 1997. I hope to conclude my JIVE talk with the story of this group.
Photo Credit
I’ll Still Say That You Shone Brighter Than Anyone
Just wonderful and timely Keith. One of my favourite pieces of music (Oh Laura). A great addition to my world along with the sudden clarity of direction coming from the PDR interview this week. Thank you.
Time for coffee?