Coaches and Technology

I am at the Japan Institute of Sports Sciences (JISS) in Tokyo. Today I hope to meet with some coaches at the Institute to discuss their use of technology. Chikara Miyaji is my host and I am hopeful that he will help me with the translation required for the conversation with coaches.
I have prepared a SlideShare for the discussions (a copy hereĀ 100927 Coaches and Technology) and I am hopeful that my use of photographs will unlock our shared understandings about coaching an performance. I do believe that whilst there are enormous cultural differences in coaching and athlete behaviour there are some fascinating cultural universals that bind coaches and athletes together in the world of sport.

The ideas I am sharing today are connected to this blog post (18 April 2010) written for colleagues at the Qatar Academy of Sport. I believe there are four key themes to address, coaches as:

  • Educational technologists
  • Users of commercial technologies
  • Users of free resources
  • Technology developers

I am interested to learn about how coaches undertake this work at JISS and the role that people like Chikara play in support of innovation and early adoption of technologies.

Photo Credit
Fritzi Scheff demonstrating Magnavox for Fifth Liberty Loan in New York City, 1895


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