I posted news on 12 May of the Australian Government’s response to the Crawford Report. This post adds to that post.
This is a Wordle visualisation of Australian Sport: The pathway to success:
Wordle generates word clouds. These clouds “give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text”. Here are some clouds formed by the separate chapters of the response.
Chapter 1: Sport in Australia
Chapter 2: Increasing Participation
Chapter 3: Strengthening Pathways
Chapter 4: Striving for Success
Responses to Recommendations
The Pathway to Success has three strands:
1. Increasing participation
- Boosting child participation: delivery of a national sport and education strategy that embeds quality sport and physical education in schools.
- Supporting NSO actions: funding to support NSOs to expand participation at a community level and requirement to deliver improved participation outcomes as part of their funding agreements with the Commission. Funding will also be provided to selected NSOs to deliver direct financial assistance to support their community clubs to implement participation programs.
- Supporting people and athletes with a disability.
- Breaking down barriers to women and girls participation.
- Building places to play.
2. Strengthening Pathways
- Building a bigger and better pool of volunteers, coaches and officials for sport to assist NSOs to build capacity to deliver.
- Talent Identification and Development: support for aspiring Australian athletes.
- Boosting Development
- Athlete Contribution: volunteer at local community sporting clubs or junior sport programs.
3. Striving for Success
- Boosting international competition.
- Supporting and retaining high performance coaches and officials.
- Supporting high performance athletes.
- Reforming Australia’s high performance delivery system.
- Boost research and innovation.
Alexis Lebedew revisited the Striving for Success section of the Pathway Response and came up with this visualisation without the words ‘Australia’, ‘Australia’s’, ‘Sport’ and ‘Sporting’:
Thanks Keith, I really enjoyed this.
Thank you, Tim. I find it very helpful to submit documents to Wordle for the intended and surprising messages.
That’s great Keith. Is there any way to omit words like: Australian, Sport, Sporting and Government?
Paper paint?