090416 Gleanings

Each week I become more and more fascinated by what we can share. Twitter has accelerated this process for me although this week I have not participated at all.
Earlier this year I intiated some posts entitled Food for Thought and aspired to write a weekly alphabet update of blogs. I managed two editions of the post. I realised that despite my best intentions my divergent thinking sent me off on journeys that were hard to stop. I found them to be wonderful vectors of discovery.
I started this post in a workshop on Educating the Net Generation whilst managing to ignore Yammer, TweetDeck and Facebook!
Recently this TED video of Pattie Maes sent me off on another learning journey:
[ted id=”481″]
Such journeys are framed by many of the links Stephen Downes shares in OLDaily. I really enjoyed his most recent discussion of networks. I wondered if I had become an accidental connectivist after hearing a marvellous interview with David Kilcullen on Radio National. I had previously linked Stephen with Jeanette Winterson in an early post in this blog. I think Stephen and David would have a great deal to share too!
I found this presentation by David Wiley via Mike Bogle‘s Facebook post. It provided a great adjunct to Stephen’s presentation and explored openness and disaggregation in higher education.
YouTube had some fascinating action this week and the YouTube Symphony received a great deal of publicity. This is a link to one of the Australian contestants. I thought it was entirely appropriate that Michael Tilson Thomas was involved in this event.
I thought this much publicised YouTube video (17 million plus viewers 93,000 comments, 84,000 ratings) of Susan Boyle put the whole week in perspective for me … dreams do come true!


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