This week in CCK08 has had a different rhythm for me. I used daily Google Alerts and the WordPress Tag Surfer to identify CCK08 blog posts and read as many as I could. I enjoyed this activity enormously. I followed up on Technorati and too. I am finding that my polymath interest in the posts is sending me off on a lot of diverging journeys but I am fascinated by what is being discussed and linked.
I live in rural NSW in Australia and I rely upon satellite connectivity for Internet access. Despite the 1Mb bandwidth available to me I do have a lot of latency to distract me. I have moved from a 1Gb environment and so I am noticing quite a difference particularly with visually rich assets. I am getting more used to using Firefox’s Tabs to help me with this latency. However … I do have access to a network and feel glocalised!
My reading (and listening) order this week was:
I ended with:
I found all three presentations thought-provoking. I think they are great linear and non-linear resources. Their non-linearity sent me off to contemplate ‘connectors’ (George), ‘Netville’ (Barry) and the semantics of networks (Stephen). I was interested to see the differences in the aesthetics of presentation in each of them. Barry’s ‘thick description‘ of networks reminded me of the excitement created by Harvard Presentation Graphics and Powerpoint as presentation tools.
I learned this week about griefers and trolls through following up on a post by Stephen. I have not used Moodle at all since Week 1. As part of my reading I looked at Second Thoughts and contemplated how a networked society can share, contest and grow. I think the Auden quote at the top of the Second Thoughts home page is very apposite and this reminded me of the potential of poetics to link our sensory and revelationary experience.
I am struggling with Pageflakes. I am getting multiple panels with the same information but I did manage to find this Flickr image from Fleep Tuque.
I was intrigued to see the number of participants South of the Equator (including the occluded North Island of New Zealand). I wondered about the digital divide but read this post whilst writing this WordPress post.
Scientists have discovered a “chemical equator” that divides the polluted air of the Northern Hemisphere from the largely uncontaminated atmosphere of the Southern Hemisphere.
Notwithstanding the differences articulated in this week’s CCK08 discussion forums I wonder if the ideas presented create an ecological environment that has a mass that transcends biography, geography and chemistry?