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Craig Duncan posted this on Twitter on 22 July:
I thought the tweet was a great juxtaposition of ideas. It set me off thinking about...
Performance data and wisdom
I had just finished reading an Eric Colson post, What AI-Driven Decision Making Looks Like (link) when up popped a Training Ground Guru article...
Transforming performance: Simona
Simone Halep has defeated Serena Williams in the Ladies' Singles Final at Wimbledon 2019, 6v2, 6v2 (link).
What struck me forcefully about this game was...
Using ggplot to explore #AFLW 2019 performances
I have been looking at the #AFLW 2019 data. I took the opportunity to include some CRAN packages I have not used before.
The data...
Performance Analytics and Pedagogy
Some recent posts have encouraged me to think about pedagogy for a new age of performance analytics in sport.
It started with Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel's speakerdeck...
Performance Data Analyst
Back in 2010, I wrote about the occupational culture of a performance analyst. The post included photographs taken of the video service room at...
Using quantiles to explore AFL performance
I have been exploring the quantile function in R as a way to explore AFL performance.
The generic function quantile produces sample quantiles corresponding to...
Price and Value as a Performance Analyst
This post what I think Mark Upton calls a fragment. It is my attempt to pull together some strands in a debate I need...
#ACUGCPA18 #PerformanceAnalysis: Adam, Hamish and Mitch
I had the pleasure of presenting with Adam Hewitt, Hamish Jeacocke and Mitch Mooney on Day 1 of #ACUGCPA18. Each has given me permission...
The sounds of performances of understanding
When I was living in North Wales in the late 1990s, I took an online course, Teaching for Understanding, with the Harvard Graduate School...