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Updating a Sport Informatics and Analytics Open Educational Resource

I have spent much of today updating the Sport Informatics and Analytics Google Site. I have been visiting some primary sources to add substance to...

Coming to Terms with Sport Analytics

Introduction Earlier this month, I read Richard Whittall's discussion of Sports Analytics as a mass movement with no name. Shortly afterwards, I found Seth Partnow's...

#coachlearninginsport: Phoebus moments

Introduction I have been thinking about how coaches transform their own and others' learning environments. I thought it might be instructive to look at how Edward...

#coachlearninginsport: sewing seeds

Introduction Thoughts of gardens have been preoccupying me this week. I have been thinking about literal and metaphorical planting of seeds in imagined gardens. I have...

#coachlearninginsport: seeing patterns

I was thinking about visual and digital literacy last week. It started with the discovery of two blog posts by Brian Prestige on data visualisation....

#coachlearninginsport: seeing possibilities, sensing opportunities

A few days ago, I wrote a post about Billy Walsh. The process of writing that post took me back to another part of Ireland,...

#coachlearninginsport: open to learn

Introduction Many years ago, I attended a meeting of the British Association of National Coaches (BANC) at Bisham Abbey. Don Rutherford chaired the meeting. Don was...

#coachlearninginsport: coach education at ICCE

Introduction This is a fifth #coachlearninginsport post on Clyde Street. My first post in this series discussed my thoughts on learning experience design. This leads, I...

Innovation: impact or distraction in high performance sport?

Introduction I have been invited to present a guest lecture to students in the High Performance Sports Management unit at the University of Canberra. The topic...

Missing in Action: #ASSH2013 A Welcome to Sporting Traditions XIX

I am unable to attend the Opening Day of Sporting Traditions XIX Conference in Canberra. My colleagues Bruce Coe and Robin Poke have been remarkable...

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