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Access to Open Resources and Opportunities for Secondary Data Analysis

Introduction David Glance has a fascinating post about garage biotech in The Conversation today. In the post, David reports on a talk given by Atul Butte...

Highlighting, connecting

Introduction The ABC carried a brief story this week about Australians' use of social media. It drew upon survey data from Tumblr to frame the story....

Padlet 01

I have found Padlet. I am way behind others in this discovery. I am using the free version of the software to try out the functionality...


I met with two distinguished, outstanding coach educators yesterday. They have enabled me to work with twenty-one high performance coaches over a three-year period. Our...

Caring Enough

Yesterday, I took part in the Teaching and Learning Centre’s #eBreakthrough Workshop at the University of Canberra. Peter Copeman and Jen Smith facilitated the...

Sharing #eBreakthroughs

I was delighted to be involved in Teaching and Learning's eBreakthrough Workshop facilitated by Peter Copeman and Jen Smith at the University of Canberra. There were...


I looked at my Facebook account today ... accidentally. One of my friends had posted a link to a story on Her.ie. It was a story...

One of Those Connecting Days

I was out on fire duty yesterday. There had been a lightning strike in remote country. Two Rural Fire Brigades worked together to contain the...


I had some great email alerts today and willingly accepted them as delightful, valued pebbles. Tony Naar suggested I read Zoe Sadokierski's article on TS...

Connecting 131016

I saw a Frances Bell tweet a couple of days ago. She linked to a post by Martin Hall at Salford University. In his post, Martin...

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