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Open for Learning: Supporting Coach Education and Development
I was hoping to attend the Sport Leadership sportif Conference in Calgary in November.
I was looking forward to presenting a paper with David Legg...
Accredible: Sharing Learning Experiences
I received an alert from Adam Brimo yesterday about Accredible.
On the Accredible Blog, the founders note:
Here at Accredible, we’ve been working hard to improve...
I have not written many posts in the past two months. I have been a peripheral participant in many conversations and have admired from...
Week 5 at the Introduction to Box'Tag SOOC
Week 5 is the final week of the synchronous phase of the Introduction to Box'Tag Small Open Online Course (SOOC). As of this morning...
Small Open Online Communities
I had an opportunity to present some ideas about a cSOOC at the #ucsaffire Festival.
Shortly after presenting, I had a brief conversation with Danny...
Day 1 #BoxTag SOOC
Today is the first day of the small open online course (SOOC), Introduction to Box'Tag.
The course is the outcome of a long journey made...
Box'Tag SOOC
I have spent much of today working with Paul Perkins, Allan Hahn and Daniel Perkins.
We have been finalising the content for a new Small...