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After Snow Fall
The title of this post reads like a first line of a Robert Frost poem.
However it is a link to my thinking after experiencing...
Connecting 131021
I am grateful to Tony Naar for alerting me to another delightful New York Times story, The Russia Left Behind.
Tony is aware of the...
Trumped and Pickled
I have been thinking about digital storytelling.
Just when I sense I am making some progress, I receive an alert and I am in one...
When the night is yours alone
It is Mental Health Week in Australia. The ABC has a week of Mental As programs to support mental health research.
Two days ago, I...
This is a short, follow-up post to my Authentic Insights post.
I am keen to pursue the possibilities for openings in how we share narratives...
The Visual Analytic Turn
Seventeen years ago, Usama Fayyad, Gregory Piatesky-Shapiro and Padhraic Smyth wrote:
Across a wide variety of fields, data are being collected and accumulated at a...
Personalising Performance Observations
Some of my personal learning network contacts have started me off re-thinking performance observations and re-view.
Michael Hussey's cricket bag has helped clarify my thoughts!
PLN Finds 130105
Email alerts are an important part of my personal learning network (PLN).
I set aside an hour each morning to work through feeds from the...
1991 Rugby World Cup Final
This is a third in a series of posts that share and discuss some historical data from rugby union football.
This post looks at data...
Visual Literacy and Fair Play
Two recent events have stimulated animated discussion about the role video can and should play in officiating.
Thierry Henry's handball in a World Cup Football...