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IASI 2014 Canberra: Trusted Aggregation and Sharing
Day 2 of the annual meeting of the International Association for Sports Information (IASI) in Canberra includes a number of discussions of trusted networks...
Association, Aggregation and Acknowledgement
In the last year I have been exploring how a connectivist approach to sharing information might support the flourishing of digital communities of practice...
Audio Recordings and Blog Posts
Alan Levine has had a close look at the inclusion of audio recordings in WordPress blog posts (link).
He looked at SPLOT Box (link) as...
Player Insights Scientists
The Football Association has advertised two positions. One is a Player Insights Scientist (link). The second is a Player Data Scientist (link).
Player Insights Scientist
Reflecting on #abbotsthon17 and #HPX17
An intense three days has come to an end at Sport Ireland's High Performance Knowledge Exchange Conference (#HPX17). I was fortunate be part of...
Connecting, Curating and Contemplating
I have participated remotely in two conferences in the last two weeks.
Last week it was Ascilite2016.
This week it was Moodleposium2016.
I followed both conferences from...
Digital environments and opportunities to learn
I spotted this tweet this morning.
and thought about my hierarchy.
The Museum of Modern Art has an interactive visualisation of David McCandless's 2009 Hierarchy.
This is...
#coachlearninginsport: leading and following
I am the beneficiary of daily acts of kindness.
Each morning I wake to find treasure baskets of ideas shared by colleagues from around the...
I met with two distinguished, outstanding coach educators yesterday.
They have enabled me to work with twenty-one high performance coaches over a three-year period. Our...
Coach Education and Development: Beyond the Social Web
I have been thinking a great deal of late about how coaches flourish in a Digital Age.
I am interested in particular how innovative national...